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Dental Crowns

Man Smiling

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are artificial dental implants that fit over all or part of a tooth that is threatened by a cavity or other decay. They are bonded directly to the tooth using a powerful dental cement or other adhesive. The primary purpose of these implants is to strengthen teeth that are otherwise damaged, and the secondary benefit of dental crowns is that they can enhance the appearance of those affected teeth.

How do Dental Crowns Work?

Dental crowns cover the damaged area of a tooth entirely, thereby preventing food particles and other potential irritants from entering into contact with the tooth. This isolates the cavity or other decay and prevents it from getting worse. It also helps to avoid pain that could occur when those food particles come into direct contact with a nerve ending in cases of extreme decay.

Who is a Candidate for Dental Crowns?

In nearly all cases, dental crowns are put only on adult teeth that have grown into the mouth fully. Otherwise, dental crowns are used frequently in patients of all ages and health levels, although they are more commonly used for molars than teeth at the front of the mouth.

Ask Dr. Lim

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